
This recipe archive was formerly housed at Maoomba.com. Please be patient with the content; I am gradually rebuilding the recipes box.

The recipes on this site are inspired by my tendencies towards culinary curiosity, global flavor exploration, and edible pleasure.

I am inspired by ancestral and traditional ways of eating around the globe, and so my recipes focus on healthful ingredients that are naturally gluten and dairy free, such as fruits and vegetables; meat, poultry and seafood; legumes and whole grains; nuts and seeds; fresh herbs and spices; and healthy fats.

Bottom line: you will find an eclectic mix of seasonal ingredients, global flavors, comfort cooking, and foods to fuel an active life. All foods I share are delicious and straightforward to prepare.

About Stormy

I am a lover of good food, creating things, dancing, & being in the outdoors; a kitchen experimentalist; world traveler; runner; ethnic grocery store wanderer; voracious reader; tinkerer; and do-gooder.

I am the author of The Drowning Shark: A Sierra Rouge Adventurefacilitate women’s retreats. And I write about the nature and nurture of a creative life at StormySweitzer.com.

Happy eating!