Roasted Carrots with Herbs

Sweet, colorful, delicious…even visually interesting.  Who knew roots could be so good?

Delicate white carrots
Delicate white carrots

And whether you get them in the fall harvest, or after the spring frost, they taste delicious on their own or with just a handful of other ingredients.

One of my favorite ways to eat them is roasted in just a bit of olive oil, and seasoned with sea salt and fresh herbs.  You could also chop them up and roast them with other root vegetables.

roasted carrots

Simple Roasted Carrots

  • To roast them for a simple side, preheat your oven to 400° F.
  • Scrub and dry the carrots.  You can leave the skins on if you like or peel them.
  • Toss them with a bit of olive oil (1-2 Tbsp) and spread them on a heavy metal baking sheet.
  • Roast for 20 minutes, or until golden and crispy on the outside, tender on the inside.
  • Serve with a garnish of fresh thyme or sage leaves.

Need a meal idea? Pair these carrots with some pan-fried chipotle chops.