Super Simple Hummus – With or Without the Chickpeas

Every time I think about posting a recipe for hummus, I stop.  It seems like it is one of those things that everyone covers just because it is so darned simple.  And the core ingredients of lemon, cumin, garlic, and olive oil – and even the distinctive tahini sesame paste – can be mixed with chickpeas for a traditional hummus or even with vegetables like roasted beets or zucchini to achieve a similar texture and flavor.

Well, after making my own hummus again recently, I realized how good it is and how rarely I make it.   If I need a reminder, maybe you do as well. Here is a really basic recipe with a couple of variations and suggestions for modifying the recipe to suit your tastes or the way you eat.

hummus ingredients hummus - ingredients in blender2


Flavor Add-ins

If you are using chickpeas as your base, add ¼ cup of vegetables or add-ins (see possibilities below) and 2 Tablespoons of water to give your hummus a different flare. Here are some suggestions:

  • reconstituted sun dried tomatoes (just let them sit in boiling water until they soften, then drain them before adding them to the recipe)
  • fresh or drained, marinated artichoke hearts
  • roasted red peppers (see how to roast peppers here)
  • cooked sweet potatoes or pumpkin
  • pine nuts
  • roasted beets (see how to roast beets here)
  • raw zucchini
  • roasted garlic
  • fresh spinach
Spinach hummus in a jar
Spinach hummus

Paleo-inspired legume-free hummus?

Hummus does not need to be made with chickpeas.  In fact, it can be made with all types of vegetables from roasted beets or sweet potato to raw zucchini or pumpkin.  Right now, I am in love with beet hummus using a touch of tahini and paprika.  I tried this recently using a recipe similar to my own from my friend Sue Ann over at Conscious Bites Nutrition, and it was amazing!  And the color?  Well, let’s just say that fuchsia is a favorite of mine.

beet hummus
beet hummus

If you prefer a 100% legume-free variety, just replace the garbanzo beans in the recipe above entirely with whatever vegetable you prefer.  If you are using starchy vegetables that typically require cooking, just be sure to roast them before adding them to the recipe.